Martes, Setyembre 6, 2016

Love, Ambra Batillana Gutierrez

Ambra Gutierrez: 5 Facts To Love About Her
  1.  Ambra is a nature lover
Caring for our nature is a must but I only see few famous personalities who bother posting it on their timelines. I love Ambra for being one of the few. Some people shares funny videos, beauty tips, or trending videos while she shares videos about our nature. Snap from Ambra's Timeline Snap from Ambra's Timeline  
  1. Ambra is a betty
When I'm eating in a restaurant (Choka) in San Juan La Union, I was amazed by their wall decoration. There are so many words that is new to my vocabulary and it took a while for me to realize that it was a "Surfers Lingo". I'm already familiar with "Stoked" that means very happy and "Soul Surfer" that means surfing for pure enjoying then I read "Betty" which means an attractive female surfer. Ambra is a betty! In her blogs,, &, she mentioned the reasons why she loves surfing. Did you know that she was awarded as Superbods Beach Body for this years Century Tuna Superbods Nation? She also won the first place for Miss Century Tuna Suberbods Nation 2016! She's truly a betty!
 Ambra The Betty
  1. Ambra loves Dogs
Have you ever feel so happy every time you see your pet? Ambra does! She loves dogs and she really care for them. Every time she see puppies her eyes are shinning even if she doesn't own it.. She even have a puppy stuff toy to play and to be with. Ambra with her puppies Ambra with her puppies Ambra with her puppies
  1. Ambra is an artist
Aside from sports, Ambra is also into art. Multi-talented betty!  Ambra's artwork Ambra's artwork   5. Ambra is a loving daughter and sister Out of all the qualities that she have, this was the one that really amaze me; How she love her family. Ambra doesn't came from a well off family. At her young age, she eagerly pursue her dreams to help her family. Her family was her everything. Ambra is a very strong woman that she can do everything for her loved ones. She's so very grateful for the family that she have. I salute you Ambra! Ambra's FamilyAmbra's Family


Martes, Agosto 30, 2016

24 And Over!

Re-blogging this Life Hack from Hope you like it! Good read!

  What Not To Do Anymore When You Turn 24
Congratulations on making it to 24! You’re still young, but you’re starting to move into fully-mature adulthood. So how exactly should you change you life for the better? Start by following this guide that outlines 10 things you should stop doing right now!

1. Stop buying cheap clothes.

As a teenager and young adult, it’s fine to buy clothes and only wear them a few times, changing them as fashion dictates. However, now you’re older and probably settling into your first serious job, it’s time to start taking style more seriously. Invest in a few key pieces rather than buying a new wardrobe every few weeks.

2. Stop dating unsuitable ones.

It can be hard to find someone worthy of your time and attention, but by the time you reach your mid-twenties, you should have a better idea about what you need in a partner. Don’t waste your time on experimenting with people who you know, deep down, are not right for you. Strike a balance between being realistic and being too willing to give people a chance.

3. Stop caring what other people think.

It’s human nature to worry about what other people think of us, and no-one likes to feel as though they are being judged or criticized. However, being overly concerned with others’ opinions can cause you to lose sleep and even sacrifice your cherished dreams and ambitions in favour of living someone else’s idea of a great life. Trust your own judgement first and foremost.

4. Stop blaming your parents.

Sure, no-one’s parents are perfect and yours probably made their fair share of mistakes. However, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of blaming your parents or your upbringing for any current issues you may have. This isn’t productive, and will sour familial relationships.

5. Stop holding onto old hopes and dreams.

Are you guilty of holding onto aspirations that you really would be best off releasing? It may be time to trade in your old goals and ambitions for newer, more realistic aims. This doesn’t mean you have to give up on your vision of an ideal life, just that you need to keep your aspirations realistic.

6. Stop living in denial about your finances.

Those years when you could get away with being oblivious to the intricacies of your financial situation are over. It’s time to get responsible and set up a decent savings account, together with a pension plan if you haven’t got one already.

7. Stop being too nice.

This is an extension of Point 3, above, but deserves its own point. Stop people-pleasing. By your age, you should have a good idea of what you are capable of, and where your limits are. Learning how to say ‘no’ is an important step on the road to maturity.

8. Stop wasting so much time on the internet.

This is a tough one. These days, it seems as though everyone is addicted to the internet. We use it to find information, keep in touch with friends…and most of the time just browse social media unconsciously…wasting plenty of time. Learn to set time limits for yourself. You could even try one completely internet-free day per week.

9. Stop taking your health and fitness for granted.

Most of us can subject our bodies to late nights, too much alcohol and excessive junk food in college without feeling the after-effects. Unfortunately, as you move into your mid-twenties and then into your thirties, your body isn’t quite up to the task any more. Time to start eating more healthily and limiting those wild late nights!

10. Stop being messy.

How many hours have you lost looking for your wallet, cell or keys? Make this the year you finally start getting your possessions in order. Nothing makes you feel more mature than knowing exactly where your stuff is.


Linggo, Hulyo 31, 2016

Surf Break

Are you into sport like surfing?

Maybe some of you are afraid of the huge waves, deep water or falling on surfboards. I was, too. But there is something about surfing that you would surely love. For me, surfing is so addictive! 

Ambra Positive, Motivation & Love
 Surfing Area at San Juan La Union, Philippines
There is a feeling that only a surfer know. Anyway, I've searched for the reasons why surfing is addictive at

Each surfer will have his or her own list of reasons they are drawn so irresistibly to the sport, but accounting for commonality, here are, 25 very good reasons why surfing is so addictive:
1. Riding a wave is a breathless experience
2. Adrenaline injections pump our heart and blood
3. Sun, salt and sand are a virtuous blend
4. Oceans have a positive impact on human health
5. The best way to forget your daily problems is to face bigger challenges
6. In the lineup, you're alone with everybody
7. Every wave has a different feeling
8. As you progress, you're compelled to surf better each day
9. There are waves in every corner of the world
10. It's a great way of living life
11. A beer tastes better after a surf session
12. Personal surfing photos are inestimable
13. Only a surfer knows the feeling
14. There's a deep sense of connection with the cultural history of surfing through time
15. There's always the next surfboard to be bought
16. Surfing makes you feel alive
17. The first wave ride is unforgettable
18. Weather forecasts are never 100% accurate, adding to thrill
19. Humans love water
20. Each ridden wave is a personal story
21. Gods seem to be around during the best waves of your life
23. Wax smells nice
24. Surfboards are objects of design and desire
25. The drive to exploring and discover new surf spots intensifies with time


If you're a surfer, what's your good reason?

If not, you can pick a number and make it a motivation. Make it a feeling. Love Surfing!

Martes, Hulyo 26, 2016

Why Hitting The Snooze Button Is Actually A Really Bad Idea

Ambra Gutierrez | Ambra Batillana | Ambra Batillana Gutierrez

I honestly believe that morning alarms are the devil. No matter what time you set it—even if it's 10 a.m. at the weekend—there's nothing worse than that incessant pingy noise waking you up from a lovely little sleep. And now, there's even more reason to hate your evil wake-up call. 
Most people will snooze at least once (*cough* five times) before finally getting out of bed in the morning, and it turns out that this could be doing far more harm than good. Those extra five minutes after you hit "snooze" will interfere with your body's process for waking up, according to ASAP Science. They explain that alarms in general interrupt our natural sleep cycle and don't allow us to wake properly—leaving you with that horrible groggy feeling, also known as "sleep inertia."
Throughout the day, our sleep inertia will begin to lift and we function properly. However, if you fall back to sleep after snoozing, your body is likely to sleep more deeply than before, leaving your body even more confused when your alarm goes off again. Each time you hit the button, you're bringing on more sleep inertia that slows your wake-up process each morning. 
The solution is apparently to get up as soon as your alarm goes off, but we're pretty sure that's easier said than done. 

Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2016

FYI, Catcalling Is Not A Compliment

It is harassment.
by Ysa Singson

If you’ve been honked at, whistled at, or yelled at—you’ve been catcalled. Anytime a man felt the need to tell you to smile more or had the audacity to ask you for a kiss—that was a catcall. It’s something every woman has experienced, and people who defend it don’t realize how damaging it can be.
Catcalling isn’t about flattery, despite men’s claims to be doing it as such. It’s about a sense of entitlement. To them, “every woman is fair game regardless of what time of day it is or where you are or what you’re doing.” Do you knowwhat happens to a woman when she’s catcalled? It is like a shock to the system. We are all of a sudden hyperaware of every little thing about our body. “What happened? Am I okay? Am I covered? Is something sticking out? Is someone following me? How long before I get there?” We become uncomfortable. We become threatened. We become powerless.

What’s worse is that when we refuse to smile back or acknowledge the catcaller, it is often followed by further name-calling: BitchBaboyPuta.Panget.
Catcalling is a form of sexual harassment because it perpetuates rape and violence. It dehumanizes women and supports the idea that women only exist for men’s pleasure. It is also a gateway to physical harassment. If you send the message that verbal harassment is justifiable, you are telling people that all forms of harassment is excusable. You are giving voice to those who don’t deserve it: the men who objectify, taunt, harass women from the comforts of their masculinity. 

Follow Ysa on Instagram


Huwebes, Hunyo 23, 2016

How Couples In Healthy Relationships

Think you and your partner have really ugly fights? Don’t worry. Even the healthy couples you know once had their share of those, until they learned to tone it down and listen. Here are some ways to tackle LQs better to make peace easier.
1. They talk about things that bother them.Couples in a healthy relationship communicate openly. They don’t think “You should know what’s bothering me” and keep their partners guessing, because they want the issue to be resolved and to be back enjoying each other’s company again. They’re also not afraid of conflict, since they know it comes about in relationships—that it’s normal. So they face their issues head on, bringing it up with their partner at the right time. And by doing that, they’re able to prevent the same issues from getting bigger.
2. They don’t make quick accusations, and neither do they call each other names.Healthy couples trust each other more than they trust anybody else. So when an issue arises, they confront their partners first to know the whole story, rather than believing all the information from a third party. Even if they’re furious, they do their best not to lash out because they don’t want to hurt their partner’s feelings and cause more damage.
3. They take turns talking and speak calmly to each other.Yelling will lead you further away from solving the issue. The aggression that comes from yelling could taunt your partner to fight back, or it could simply hurt him; then you’ll have to do some more damage control.
Talking calmly to resolve the problem ensures that both of you are attentive and respectful; it’s also a way to avoid misunderstandings. Healthy couples do this to listen to what the other person has to say, not to listen for what they want to hear.
4. They don’t bring up past arguments.Those were resolved and have no place in a new argument. Healthy couples learn from old fights—that’s what they carry with them: what they learned about each other and how to avoid the same problem from happening again.
5. They see things from the other person’s point of view.When fighting, neither of you should say what the other should and shouldn’t be feeling, or that it’s wrong to feel a certain emotion. To grow stronger as a couple, you need to understand each other, to see things in his perspective. By letting him see your point of view and understand you, you guide him in cheering you up and he’ll be comforted and assured too.
6. They find a solution that works for them to avoid fighting over the same thing.The tricky part for couples who’ve gotten over the fight is satisfying whatever it is they promised they would or wouldn’t do. If their partner lapsed at something petty, should it be a problem? And if it were to be a problem, would it be a big one or a small one? The answer not only depends on the circumstances, but also on how much you and your partner have grown enough to trust that he loves you no matter what. If in doubt, see #1.

source -

Linggo, Hunyo 5, 2016

What Not To Do Anymore When You Turn 24

Re-blogging this Life Hack from Hope you like it! Good read!

What Not To Do Anymore When You Turn 24

Congratulations on making it to 24! You’re still young, but you’re starting to move into fully-mature adulthood. So how exactly should you change you life for the better? Start by following this guide that outlines 10 things you should stop doing right now!

1. Stop buying cheap clothes.

As a teenager and young adult, it’s fine to buy clothes and only wear them a few times, changing them as fashion dictates. However, now you’re older and probably settling into your first serious job, it’s time to start taking style more seriously. Invest in a few key pieces rather than buying a new wardrobe every few weeks.

2. Stop dating unsuitable ones.

It can be hard to find someone worthy of your time and attention, but by the time you reach your mid-twenties, you should have a better idea about what you need in a partner. Don’t waste your time on experimenting with people who you know, deep down, are not right for you. Strike a balance between being realistic and being too willing to give people a chance.

3. Stop caring what other people think.

It’s human nature to worry about what other people think of us, and no-one likes to feel as though they are being judged or criticized. However, being overly concerned with others’ opinions can cause you to lose sleep and even sacrifice your cherished dreams and ambitions in favour of living someone else’s idea of a great life. Trust your own judgement first and foremost.

4. Stop blaming your parents.

Sure, no-one’s parents are perfect and yours probably made their fair share of mistakes. However, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of blaming your parents or your upbringing for any current issues you may have. This isn’t productive, and will sour familial relationships.

5. Stop holding onto old hopes and dreams.

Are you guilty of holding onto aspirations that you really would be best off releasing? It may be time to trade in your old goals and ambitions for newer, more realistic aims. This doesn’t mean you have to give up on your vision of an ideal life, just that you need to keep your aspirations realistic.

6. Stop living in denial about your finances.

Those years when you could get away with being oblivious to the intricacies of your financial situation are over. It’s time to get responsible and set up a decent savings account, together with a pension plan if you haven’t got one already.

7. Stop being too nice.

This is an extension of Point 3, above, but deserves its own point. Stop people-pleasing. By your age, you should have a good idea of what you are capable of, and where your limits are. Learning how to say ‘no’ is an important step on the road to maturity.

8. Stop wasting so much time on the internet.

This is a tough one. These days, it seems as though everyone is addicted to the internet. We use it to find information, keep in touch with friends…and most of the time just browse social media unconsciously…wasting plenty of time. Learn to set time limits for yourself. You could even try one completely internet-free day per week.

9. Stop taking your health and fitness for granted.

Most of us can subject our bodies to late nights, too much alcohol and excessive junk food in college without feeling the after-effects. Unfortunately, as you move into your mid-twenties and then into your thirties, your body isn’t quite up to the task any more. Time to start eating more healthily and limiting those wild late nights!

10. Stop being messy.

How many hours have you lost looking for your wallet, cell or keys? Make this the year you finally start getting your possessions in order. Nothing makes you feel more mature than knowing exactly where your stuff is.